With schools around the country starting back up again, it’s time for the latest edition of DesignIntelligence’s yearly rankings of the Top Architecture Schools in the US for both undergraduate and graduate programs. This year, CEOs, managing partners, and human-resource directors from more than 2,000 firms were asked to list the 10 programs from each category they felt best prepared students for success in the profession of architecture.
This information, along with detailed accounts on the best programs that teach skills in design, computer applications, sustainability and construction methods & materials, factored into the creation of the 2017 rankings. In addition, over 2,785 students were polled on the quality of their program and their plans for post-graduation. The two top schools, Cornell for undergraduates and Harvard for graduates, were once again named the best programs to attend, according to the study.
Read on to see the list of the top 10 undergraduate and graduate programs in the US.
The Top 10 Undergraduate Architecture Programs
1. Cornell University
2. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
3. Syracuse University
4. Rice University
5. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
6. University of Texas, Austin
7. Rhode Island School of Design
8. Pratt Institute
9. Auburn University
10. South California Institute of Architecture
The Top 10 Graduate Architecture Programs
1. Harvard University
2 (Tie). Cornell University
2 (Tie). Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4. Columbia University
5. Yale University
6. University of California, Berkeley
7. University of Michigan
8. Syracuse University
9. Rice University
10. University of Pennsylvania
Read more about the methodology and analysis behind the rankings, as well as the results of the subcategories and student survey, at Architectural Record, here.
News via Architectural Record.